We'll be present at...

26 - 27 october 2011 - London

Written by Fabrizio Battaglino on 23 August 2011

116 Pall Mall at Night

Welcome to 116 Pall Mall

Thursday  27  October at  116 Pall Mall di London wines degustation

Piedmont dinner at the Lido – 26th October

We ‘ll  be in London during half-term week for a posh dinner at the IOD but we have lined up another meal to present some of his wines for only £40 for a three course meal including the wines.
The Lido Cafe in Brockwell Park is a hidden gem in south London (near to Dulwich). If you are interested, contact Duncan at the Lido to reserve a place – duncan@thelidocafe.co.uk or call  020 7737 8183

The Lido Cafe
Dulwich Road
Brockwell Lido
SE24 0PA